Enemies of the Spiritual Revolution #4
Alex Dalley – because he has created makeup for men
Alexandra Ripley – because she has not noticed that “Gone with the Wind” ended
Alfred F. Kelly – because Visa wants to eliminate cash money
Anton La Vey – because he has restricted Satan in the same way the Church has restricted God
Arsene Wenger – because this man does not have dignity
Atanas Dalchev – because he has attempted to create poetry through ugliness and spiritual death and has failed
Bill Gates – because he leads the war against cash
Brian Earp – because he believes that love can be controlled with drugs
David Benioff and D. B. Weiss – because “Game of Thrones” is the strongest means for manipulation in today’s world
George R. R. Martin – because he gave fire and ice to the most mediocre characters
Hristo Blazhev – because he thinks that someone has the right to dream in his behalf
Iva Doychinova – because she thinks that I should become We
Jean Calvin – because he wants people to consider themselves insignificant and because he preaches that one does not belong to oneself
Joseph Mitchell and Eugene Mitchell – because they ordered a sequel of “Gone with the Wind”
Karin Newman – because she has made a non-racist version of “Pippi Longstocking”
Lena Headey – because she does not respect Cersei Lannister
Lionel Messi – because he is “John” of football
Martin Luther – because he believes that revolt is the greatest evil, because he wants people to renounce their faith and pride in the name of obedience, and because he rejects primal good
Miss Fame – because she does not respect hens
MsMojo – because she always puts mediocrity at the top
Pilar Abel – because Salvador Dali’s body was exhumed because of her
Rich Wordsworth – because he believes that the pathetic affection felt by drugged non-entities can be called love
Rut Koleva – because she believes that people should be helpless
Sebastian Coe – because he thinks that he has the right to control athletes’ genes
Shusaku Takaoka – because of the supreme sacrilege of everything venerated in painting
Stanislav Lem – because he thinks that the world is so bad that he prefers to believe that no one created it and because he lowers everything to nothingness
Thomas Hobbes – because he believes that hatred is the motivating power in the individual
Valeri Simeonov – because he wants to transform Sunny Beach into a civilized place
Yuliya Stepanova – because she has betrayed her own country to the System
You can find the whole list here: Enemies of the Spiritual Revolution