Havasi – Music about love, storms and dragons
Whoever has listened to Havasi’s music knows that it leaves no one indifferent. But live, he not only recreated the melodies from his recordings, but also shows that he puts all his love into his art. Apart from being a brilliant musician, he also demonstrates that he is a perfect human being and sends a very strong message to all the listeners.
When you hear his music, you immediately wonder – what inspired this. What was so beautiful and great that created this emotion in the soul of the artist? But this question is somewhat naive, because Havasi actually gave the only possible answer – love. Each tune has a unique source of inspiration – nature, family, homeland, dragons and mages – but the common force that drives the music is precisely true and powerful love.
On a technical level, Havasi’s performances are flawless. Rarely can you feel such pride in humanity that someone is that good at something. And even though you take no credit for it, you still continue to be proud because you have believed all your life that this is what is inherent in man.
But technique is nothing without emotion. Havasi’s music exists in heights untouchable to the faint-hearted, and depths unreachable to the ones who feel no love. The listener is thrown unceremoniously exactly there, and whoever has the heart to bear it – receives the reward of understanding between two loving souls. But on the other hand, this music breaks down the barriers of mediocrity and invades extinguished hearts to reignite them again.
And because genius always attracts other geniuses, Havasi has a team of wonderful people who not only enrich his creations, but all challenge each other to give their best.
In one sentence the message of a concert by Havasi would be: there is perfection and it is here. And when someone in the audience desperately needs to hear this statement, simply because the rest of the world seems to be in some absurd conspiracy to deny this most obvious truth, then his presence at the concert becomes an honor and a celebration of the proud human spirit.