Ned Stark – The King of the North
The discussions surrounding Game of Thrones are intense as always, but for some reason, the main character in the series is often left completely out of the spotlight. “Game of Thrones” has always been a narrative about the life of Ned Stark, and while many have forgotten it, that continues to be the case.
Ned Stark is a man. He is proud without being arrogant. Strong without being cruel. Firm on the ground without being narrow-minded. Ned is the epitome of the steady, confident man who has forged his moral code through the coldest winter nights, trusting only in his own hands.
Ned Stark is a father and a husband. He respects blood and truly loves his family. He is kind-hearted, honest, and uncompromising in the face of reality.
Ned Stark is a warrior. He was willing to fight the enemy when necessary. But always with honor and never with relish. Ned understood the need to fight life and that both winning and losing makes you a better man.
Ned Stark was a rock. The rock you can lean on when everything else crumbles.
Ned Stark is an individual. He was able to distinguish himself as an person and show that he would do anything to preserve the world in which he belongs. And he was put to the toughest test. Few are those who, faced with the choice between dignity and love, could find even one right decision. Ned Stark made both decisions right. He faced the choice between his highest values with such power that there was no longer a path that could lead him to anything other than greatness.
Ned Stark deserves to bear one of the most dignified titles an individual can receive – King of the North. This is still his story. And it deserves a worthy end.