“Avengers: Endgame” – The failed Characters
“Avengers: Endgame” succeeded in destroying the few somewhat decent characters in the franchise and totally nullifying the rest.
10) Falcon – Is he going to be the successor to Captain America? Why? Not that he’s ever done anything monstrous, unlike most of his allies, but the opposite is also definitely true. If they were preparing him to be the next leader, they had a dozen movies to give him development and a chance to prove himself. But now he just has to accept that it will be him. That’s probably what the comics say.
9) Hulk – Since the main conflict in this character is precisely that Banner and the Hulk cannot live together, it is ridiculous to say: five years went by and it just happened. Even boring characters deserve consistency and reasoning in character development.
8) Natasha– Should we have assumed that her sacrifice saved humanity? What kind of absurdity is that? She wasn’t even worthy to set foot on Vormir. And we should have noticed that there were two problems in this scene that made getting the stone impossible: 1) Hawkeye and Natasha are incapable of feeling love, so the whole drama was pointless. 2) Hawkeye did not sacrifice her, she threw herself, so the ordeal was not passed.
7. Captain Marvel – This woman’s role in the film was to be obnoxious (and there were already others taking on this task). How the battle was important to her, how she was important to the battle – we don’t know. Her only positive quality was that she only spent a little time on screen.
6. Asgard – Did we turn the mythical Asgard into a pile of shacks with a “New Asgard” sign run by a fat drunk and a smug nobody? And the problem here is definitely not the shacks. The ultimate betrayal was at the end when Thor entrusted his people and kingdom to that woman. The house of the gods passed under the dominion of destructive mediocrity.
5. Gamora – The scene between Thanos and Gamora on the mount of Vormir was perfect. It turned both of them into superhumans. This is why this scene had to be deleted and Gamora brought back. Instead of a dignified and meaningful death, she is offered only an ordinary existence from now on.
4. The Soul Stone – We were not told what the powers of this stone were. A failure.
3) Thor – I’m curious if the filmmakers will be able to provide a psychological rationale for Thor’s reaction to events. No. Thor did not collapse when everything he loved died – Loki, his father, his mother, his friends, his people, his world. But here he suddenly has a nervous breakdown and can’t find the strength to go on. First, Thor should have already surrendered before the beginning of Infinity War, assuming he stayed alive. Second, this battle is much less his to fight and he has no reason to be the most shaken Avenger. Finally, he concludes that all options are open to him – no, they ended the very moment he lost everything that once mattered to him.
2) Captain America – Since Captain America’s entire image is built on the fact that he couldn’t have lived that life in his own time and with the one he loved, the filmmakers just couldn’t help but give it to him now to destroy him as a person. Here again we see the propaganda that loss is unacceptable and even the most significant personal tragedies can be rewritten in pink ink. Captain America is mature enough to understand when the universe is right, therefore he would not do this.
1) Thanos – Thanos, who accepted the most terrifying challenge and confronted the entire universe to save it. Thanos, who passed the ultimate trial and sacrificed his most precious thing for the sake of Life. Thanos, who understood what the right thing to do was, and once he completed his mission, destroyed the stones with his own hands. How the hell are we supposed to believe that he would suddenly become petty and vindictive and want to destroy the Earth out of pure spite? Everything decent and great that Thanos did in the previous chapter and at the beginning of this one has been demolished. That’s not too surprising. But let’s consider which would have more catastrophic consequences: cutting the population of the universe in half in an instant or suddenly doubling it?